Discover 9 foods that help you get a good night’s sleep


Changing eating habits is beneficial for those who have occasional or frequent bedtime problems.


Did you know that your diet can affect your sleep? That’s right: there are foods that help us enjoy a good night’s rest, while others can prevent us from getting the rest we need.

“Foods rich in specific nutrients can improve our ability to fall asleep and sleep quality ,” says Vandana Sheth, a registered dietitian in California who provides diet and sleep hygiene advice to clients.

This statement is probably good news for anyone who has trouble sleeping occasionally or frequently. To help these people, we have listed below nine foods that are worth consuming to have a peaceful sleep.

1- Fruits with yogurt

Os carboidratos nas bagas podem ajudar a aumentar a produção de serotonina no cérebro, enquanto o iogurte é uma fonte de triptofano, um aminoácido que ajuda a promover o sono. “O iogurte não se limita ao café da manhã. Também ajuda a satisfazer o gosto por doces que muitas pessoas têm à noite ”, diz Nancy Z. Farrell Allen, nutricionista registrada na Virgínia e porta-voz da Academia de Nutrição e Dietética dos EUA.

2- Suco de cereja com nozes

This snack is rich in melatonin , a hormone that plays an important role in the body’s sleep-wake cycle. At dusk, melatonin production increases, helping to promote healthy sleep.

Algumas pessoas optam por um suplemento da substância, mas as cerejas fornecem uma fonte natural do hormônio. Em um estudo, aqueles que bebiam suco de frutas registraram níveis mais altos de melatonina e tiveram um sono mais longo e de melhor qualidade em comparação com um grupo que tomou placebo. Em outra pesquisa, a bebida teve efeitos benéficos no sono de idosos com insônia.

Nuts, along with pistachios and almonds, are another source of melatonin and can be paired with a shot of cherry juice for a post-dinner snack, according to Sheth.

3- Chickpeas with milk

Chickpeas and milk are sources of tryptophan, an amino acid that can help improve sleep . Tryptophan is converted to melatonin in the brain, as well as serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps promote sleep and relaxation.

One tip is to roast the chickpeas with a little olive oil and salt, which results in a crunchy texture. Just cook the legume, dry it, mix it with oils and spices and bake it at 220°C for 20 minutes. Once ready, it can be enjoyed with a glass of warm milk during an evening snack.

4- Kiwi

According to research, kiwi is a source of antioxidants and serotonin, which can help improve sleep onset, duration, and efficiency (which refers to the percentage of total time in bed actually spent sleeping). An easy way to enjoy kiwis is to cut them in half horizontally and eat the pulp with a spoon.

5- Spinach salad with quinoa, avocado and pumpkin seeds

Start dinner with a salad that contains these ingredients, which are rich in magnesium, a mineral necessary for normal sleep. “Magnesium regulates the neurotransmitter melatonin and helps keep our sleep cycles in check,” explains Farrell Allen.

Magnesium also works by increasing the neurotransmitter GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, in the brain, which slows down the flow of thoughts and helps you fall asleep. Not having adequate levels of the mineral can contribute to insomnia .

For those who don’t have pumpkin seeds, the tip is to use sunflower seeds and almonds, which are also other good sources of magnesium.

6- Bananas with peanut butter

Not only is this combination rich in magnesium, it also helps reduce blood sugar spikes and can be particularly helpful for people with diabetes , assures Sheth.

7- Foods rich in proteins

Consider fish, eggs, and cheese at dinnertime, as they contain the amino acid L-ornithine. According to a small study, this amino acid has the potential to relieve stress and improve sleep quality when it comes to fatigue.

8- Herbal tea

A cup of tea can serve as a tasty beverage. “Some of my clients find chamomile tea helpful as part of their sleep routine to relax and sleep,” says Sheth. “It’s calming and contains an antioxidant called apigenin, which can help kick-start the sleep cycle.”

O chá de maracujá pode oferecer benefícios de sono de curto prazo para adultos saudáveis ​​com leve interferência na qualidade do sono, de acordo com a pesquisa. “Esta bebida realmente aumenta os níveis de GABA em nosso cérebro”, disse Sheth.

9- Golden milk

Mixing milk with turmeric can be a great ally for anyone who wants to get a good night’s sleep. Turmeric soothes the stomach and, when added to warm milk, has the potential to help the body fall asleep faster or sleep better, details Sheth.

The drink can be supplemented with black pepper, which helps to absorb turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg and honey. These foods offer a variety of options and are easy to incorporate into your weekly nighttime routine. Choose one of them and experience a more restful night’s rest .


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